Bathurst Island Trip

We were up early to catch the ferry out to Bathurst Island. A pleasant trip out to he island and a real eye opener when we arrived. Its and alcohol free area, so none of the usual signs of alcohol abuse, but the main township is full of neglected buildings and rubbish. The locals were extremely friendly and welcoming ( one family invited us to view their dinner that they had caught earlier and which they would cook until 5 o’clock before consuming it tonight -carpet snake)

Carpet Snake for dinner – apparently tastes like chicken.

It was very hot on the island, even the locals commented on how unseasonal it was. There is a distinct lack of local amenities forr tourists unless you take one of the bus trips (which we thought was expensive at $295 each). We still visited Tiwi By Design and bought a couple of little sculptures. We retreated to the beach under a large tree until it was time to catch the ferry back home. The trip back was a bit rougher because the wind had come up but we still got back home around 6.30 pm

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